A (T)FNP problem is induced by a NP language, say $L$. Usually in the notion of verifers, we define $L=\{x:\exists y,V(x,y)=1\}$, where $V$ is a poly-time verifier. The function version would be finding the certificate $y$ (if exist).
However, the choice of verifier could be arbitrary, for example, the verifier for $HAM-PATH$ problem could be
- Determinig whether the computation path of TM configurations is valid and reaches accepting state. (The Cook-Levin way).
- Determine whether a path of input graph is Hamiltonian. (The natural way)
In order to make this definition "natural", we should probably show that, undere these different choice of verifier, the definition remains equivalent, i.e. the problem do not suddenly become harder/easier just because we introduce a different verifier.
So here's my question: Is the choice of verifier independent with hardness of its functional problem? How do we justify this?