First question :
Is the following formula a valid MSO formula?
$\theta(S, r) = \exists (e_1, t_1), ... ,(e_h, t_h) \bigwedge\limits_{(e_i, e_j) \in \rho(S,r)} \mathcal{R}((e_i, t_i), (e_j, t_j))$
So my main concern here is the fact one states there exists $e_1, t_1$ etc. but then goes on to not use these in the actual formula (only using $e_i$ and $e_j$). Is this correct?
Second question :
While browsing around, I found the following :
(found in this post : MSO (Monadic second-order logic) Logic On Words)
My question here is, in MSO, how come one can still use 2-ary relations, such as $S(x,y)$ (as well as $\mathcal{R}((e_i, t_i), (e_j, t_j))$ from the first question), since I thought MSO is supposed to use only 1-ary relations, i.e. sets?
I think I might have found the answer myself, but I would like to verify : is this allowed because one does not quantify over these 2-ary relations?