I am currently working on a thesis, where the main goal is to find errors (like a missing message, wrong sequence) in message sequences. The messages are distinguishable by their name, have further information in the message body, and are available in a database. Each message can just be thought of as string-representation of its name.
The thesis should compare different concepts for finding errors in these real-life message sequences. A big amount of these messages are being collected and the goal is to check for errors in the sequence or any missing messages. The default sequence (so the standard-case) can be defined.
Now I am just lacking any ideas on how to approach this problem. So, my questions are as follows: Which approaches can be used to solve this problem? Are there any algorithms, that could be used in this context?
Further example to make it clearer:
Message sequence A, B, C, D, E is defined for one standard-case. Now, the real message sequence that is observed is A, B, C, E, D (or one message is missing entirely).
I hope the problem is comprehensible. Thanks to all who take the time to read.