An easy reduction from the Index problem shows a lower bound of $\Omega(B)$ for single pass randomized algorithms. Recall that in the Index problem Alice is given a subset $S$ of $U$ and Bob is given an element $e$ of $U$. The goal is to compute whether $e \in S$. The (randomized) one-way communication complexity of Index is $\Omega(|U|)$.
For the reduction, let us identify $U$ with $\{1, \ldots, B\}$, i.e. fix some bijection $f$ between $U$ and $\{1, \ldots, B\}$. For an instance $(S, e)$ of the Index problem, let $L_0 = \{1, \ldots, B\} \setminus f(S)$, where $f(S) = \{f(a): a \in S\}$; let $L_1 = \{i: i < f(e)\}$. The stream consists of $L_0$ followed by $L_1$. Clearly the minimum number not in $L = L_0 \cup L_1$ is at least $f(e)$, because $L_1$ includes all numbers smaller than $f(e)$. If $e \in S$, then $L_0$ does not include $f(e)$ and the minimum number outside $L$ is at least $f(e) + 1$; otherwise the minimum is $f(e)$.
As usual, Alice can process $L_0$ using the streaming algorithm, send the contents of memory to Bob, who then uses the memory to process $L_1$ and compute the final answer and decide whether $f \in S$. This gives a one-way communication protocol for Index with communication complexity at most the space complexity of the streaming protocol, and, because the communication complexity is at least $\Omega(|U|) = \Omega(B)$, the space complexity is at least as many bits as well. Obviously this is tight up to constants for single-pass streaming.