The classic set-cover problem is described as follows:
Let $S = \{s_1, ..., s_n\}$ be a target set, and let $\Lambda = \{A_1, ..., A_m: A_i \subset S\}$ be a collection of subsets of $S$. The objective is to find some cover $C \subset \Lambda $ such that $\cup_{A\in C}A = S$ and $|C|$ is minimized. That is, find the minimum number of $A$'s needed to cover every element of $S$.
The variation we will consider has two key alterations:
Rather than finding some cover $C$ such that $|C|$ is minimized, we want to cover as much of $S$ as possible, given some budget $k$. That is, let $F\subset S$ be the elements that are covered by $C$, our objective is to maximize $$\big|F \cap S\big|$$ such that $|C| \leq k$.
Rather than considering an element $s \in S$ covered when $s$ appears in at least one $A\in C$, we require that $s$ show up in 2 distinct $A$'s to be considered covered. (Any multiple is also interesting, even heterogeneous ones for each $s\in S$, but for now 2 is good enough).
So far I can show that it is an NP optimization (reduction from set-cover), and that a $n-$approximation exists by simply looking any element $s$ that appears in some $A_i$ and $A_j$ and then selecting $C = \{A_i, A_j\}$, but this is a rather unsatisfying approximation.
Is this variation NP-hard to approximate to a constant factor?