Reading discussions of the recent quantum supremacy experiment by Google I noticed that a lot of time and effort (in the experiment itself, but also in the excellent blog posts by Scott Aaronson and others explaining the results) is spent on verifying that the quantum computer did indeed compute the thing we believe it to have computed.
From a naive point of view this is completely understandable: the essence of any quantum supremacy experiment is that you have the quantum computer perform a task that is hard for a classical computer to achieve, so surely it would also be hard for the classical computer to verify that the quantum computer did complete the task we gave it, right?
Well, no. About the first thing you learn when starting to read blogs or talk to people about computational complexity is that, counter-intuitive as it may seem, there exist problems that are hard to solve, but for which it is easy to verify the validity of a given solution: the so called NP problems.
Thus it seems that Google could have saved themselves and others a lot of time by using one of these problems for their quantum supremacy experiment rather than the one they did. So my question is why didn't they?
An answer for the special case of the NP problem factoring
is given in this very nice answer to a different question: Paraphrasing: the regime where the quantum algorithm starts to out perform the best known classical algorithm starts at a point that requires more than the 53 qubits currently available.
So my follow-up question is: does this answer for the special case extend to all NP-problems where quantum speedups are expected or is it specific to factoring? And in the first case: is there a fundamental reason related to the nature of NP that quantum-supremacy 'kicks in later' for NP problems than for sampling problems or is it just that for NP problems better classical algorithms are available due to their being more famous?