This and several other resources suggest to "Always a node that gets the middle key from bottom splits, should drop one item for a new middle key".
To illustrate with an example.
For 5-way B+-tree,
(24, 25, 44, 79) is one of the leaf nodes with its root being (..,24,80,...)
(24, 25, 44, 79)
After Inserting 40.
The node (24, 25, 40, 44, 79) gets overloaded and is forced to split(considering the siblings are full as well).
In such a case, is there any advantage of splitting it as
(24, 25) (40, 44, 79) over (24, 25, 40) (44, 79)
Is this split A
(..,24, 40, 80,...)
| \
| \
| \
(24, 25) (40,44, 79)
better than this split B?
(..,24, 44, 80,...)
| \
| \
| \
(24, 25, 40) (44, 79)
If so, what makes A correct and B wrong, considering that both are satisfying the rules of the B+ tree.
I couldn't find any resource to back my argument that B is equally correct as A.