I am taking a complexity class now, and I struggle to understand the concept of "hardness":
Assume that $L \in \textsf{NP } \cap \textsf{coNP}$. In means that under the assumption $\mathsf{NP} \neq \textsf{coNP}$, $L$ cannot be $\textsf{NP}$-complete. The formal meaning is that not all languages in $\textsf{NP}$ can be reduced to $L$, but does it mean that $L$ is easier to solve than $\textsf{NP}$-complete language (in the sense that it is more likely to have non-exponential algorithm which decides it)?
Is it plausible that the optimal algorithm for $L$ is exponential? (For 3-SAT there is a known assumption, ETH, which as far as I understand states that the optimal algorithm for it has to be exponential).