I have seen some algorithms with complexities like $\log^3 n$ and $\sqrt n$. In view of getting a better idea on how to compare these I wanted to know for which values of $k$ does $\log^k n \in \Omega(\sqrt n)$ hold true?
I suspect $k$ would need to be a function of $n$. Because if it were a constant $C_1$, we could always find a larger constant $C_2$ that makes the previous statement false.
This is what I have tried.
$\log^k n \in \Omega(\sqrt n)$
$\log^{2k} n \in \Omega(n)$
$\log(\log^{2k}n) \in \Omega(\log n)$
$2k \log\log n \in \Omega(\log n)$
From here, I can see that if $k$ is $\log n$, then $2\log n \log\log n \in \Omega(\log n)$ is true.
However, I doubt this is a tight bound.