I'm trying to better understand Question 24.3-4 From CLRS below:
Professor Gaedel has written a program that he claims implements Dijkstra’s algorithm. The program produces $v.d$ and $v.\pi$ for each vertex $v \in V$. Give an $O(V + E)$ algorithm to check the output of the professor’s program. It should determine whether the $d$ and $\pi$ attributes match those of some shortest-paths tree. You may assume that all edge weights are non-negative.
I have the answer from the Solutions manual, but simply do not understand how this answer actually works: (bottom of pg. 5/19, Exercise 24.3-4 didn't want to overload the question with a long solution):
Basically, the solution says we have to check every edge $(u, v)$ for all $v \neq s$. I understand that we only need to ensure that $s.d = 0$ and $s.\pi = NIL$ since the $\delta(s, s) = 0$ and $s$ should not have a predecessor, as it is the first vertex in the graph. The solution goes on to mention that:
"Check that $v.\pi$ is the vertex which minimizes $u.d +w(u, v)$ for all vertices $u$ for which there is an edge $(u, v)$, and that $v.d = v.π.d + w(v.π, v)$. If this is ever false, return false"
So I understand that for any $v \neq s$ that $v.\pi.d < v.d$ by the fact that $v.d = v.\pi.d + w(v.pi, v)$ so the distance of any node's predecessor must always be less than that of the node by the simple property.
How do we manage to check though that: "$v.\pi$ is the vertex which minimizes $u.d +w(u, v)$ for all vertices $u$ for which there is an edge $(u, v)$?"
Since say we pick some random vertex in the graph that is a neighbor of $s$, call this node $v$. So $\delta(s, v)$ could potentially be calculated by traversing half of the graph then coming back to $v$ through some other node, $u$ if the $w(s, v)$ is extremely large. How does the algorithm verify cases like this? Does it ensure that it starts only at the neighbors of $s$ first, verify those distances, and essentially inductively proceed to verify the remaining predecessors and distances?
It seems that for $v \in V - {s}$ that if $v.\pi$ is correct, then all that remains is to verify $v.d$? I just don't really understand how the algorithm can correctly do this.. Is it traversing the graph, or iterating over the adjacency list/set of edges for each node, such that for a node, $v$ we check all edges $(u, v)$ somehow and then come up with an understanding of whether the node $v$ has the proper $v.\pi$?
Could someone please help/explain how this solution works? Have been struggling for a few hours now on this, and stepped through the algorithm with written examples but am not seeing the pattern here. Thank you.
Edit I've seen some answers mentioning creating a tree (since Dijkstra's algorithm is supposed to output a shorted path tree from the src node, $s$).
Regarding this: Would we create a shortest path tree using all of the $v.\pi$ values for each $v \in V - \{s\}$, since $s.\pi = NIL$? This takes time $O(V + E)$ to create an adjacency list we would need to traverse using BFS/DFS. Then, we begin a DFS on the tree created by the $v.\pi$ attributes and modify the DFS to check $v.d = v.\pi.d + w(v.\pi.d + v)$ or something along these lines?