By using this algorithm the expected time complexity would not be O(V+E)
as we have to visit an edge multiple times.
queue.add(s) while(the queue is not empty) for every adjacent vertex v of u if( dist[v] > dist[u] + weight(u,v) ) dist[v] = dist[u] + weight(u,v) add v to the queue
But by using the topological sorting, we get the order in which the vertices should be traversed so that an edge is visited exactly once. So we could have guaranteed T.C. of O(V+E)
###So to solve this problem to work in O(V+E)
we use topological sort.###
But I think this is not enough, we should also know why to use Topological ordering here and so that it helps in other problems.
##Why Topological ordering ?##
Topological ordering gives us the order like 0 1 2 3 4 5
then, once we reach a node in this ordering (let's say 4
) then we've already computed the shortest path to it (4
) as all the edges(as well as paths) of type u -> v
(v = 4
) and have already been visited.