Consider the following processes :
1) My First Question is if we need to schedule them using preemptive priority scheduling with Round-Robin for equal processes priorities with a quantum of 3. Here is my answer to this problem :
Sorry about that bad drawing. My problem here is at time 13. At this time we have two processes of equal priority ( p1 and p3 ) that we need to schedule them using RR with a quantum of 3 . My question is what process we will start scheduling it here ? I have started with p1 as it was already being executed by the CPU . Also is the rest of the answer is right ?
2) Now for the second question. Let's consider that We need to schedule the same process with a round-robin with a quantum of 4 . I have used this website to check my answer and here its answer :
According to this answer, at time 20 p4 should be executed, but according to my answer p1 is the process that should be executed ?? And due to this difference, the rest of the answer is different to mine.