It's conceptually simple to state what an "unordered pair" is supposed to be in set theory. Yet, in homotopy type theory I have trouble formalizing this. A first naive try in agda syntax:
data UPair (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
mkpair : (x y : A) → UPair A
uswap : ∀ a b → mkpair a b ≡ mkpair b a
This fails, since there are actually two different paths between e.g. mkpair 1 2
and mkpair 2 1
, that is we have uswap 1 2
and sym (uswap 2 1)
. Again, these can be forced equal by a one-higher path constructor, but one would have to continue for ever.
Obviously, if A
is an n
-truncated type, we can stop at some point. Generally truncating at some level fails because it might forget some non-trivial paths in A
. Take for example the set-truncation of the above type and A = S¹
, the circle, then the path i. mkpair (loop i) base
is lost and identified with refl (mkpair base base)
Can we generally write down the type of unordered pairs of a parameter A : Type ℓ
? Can the resulting type live inside the universe ℓ
Let A· = (A , a)
be a pointed type. Define UPA· = (UPair A, mkpair a a)
as a pointed type. I would then expect Ωₜ UPA· ≡ UPair (Ωₜ A·)
. These correspond to singleton sets.
Let A∙ = (A, a, b)
be a bipointed type with a ≢ b
. Then I expect that the map (a ≡ a) × (b ≡ b) → mkpair a b ≡ mkpair b a
given by (pa , pb) → (λ i → mkpair (pa i) (pb i)) ∙ uswap a b
is an equivalence.