The hash value of a string $s$ is given by
$$ h(s) = \sum^{|s|}_{i = 1} s_i \cdot p^{|s| - i} \mod m; \text{ $m$ is prime, $m < 10^{12}$}. $$
The string $s$, $p$, $m$ is given, $|s| \le 14$, alphabet size $= 62$ (letters and digits).
I need to find a string $s^{\prime}$:
$s^{\prime} \neq s$, but $h(s^{\prime}) = h(s)$
$s^{\prime}$ must meet the same requirements as $s$. The answer is always exist.
I know about Birthday-attack, but $m$ is too large and if I generate random strings, probability of collision is too small. Simple brute-force is also not suitable, because the string may be too long (14 characters).