
While reading Compilers by Alfred Aho, I came across this statement:

The problem of generating the optimal target code from a source program is undecidable in general.

The Wikipedia entry on optimizing compilers reiterates the same without a proof.

Here's my question: Is there a proof (formal or informal) of why this statement is true? If so, please provide it.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ You may be interested in this post on the generalized incompleteness theorem, where the unsolvability of simple computability problems can be used to easily prove the generalized incompleteness theorem. That is, the same easy-to-prove facts of unsolvability of the halting problem can not only be used to justify the statement you found but also to deduce Godel's incompleteness theorem. $\endgroup$
    – user21820
    Commented Jul 23, 2020 at 16:17
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Having worked on several compilers, I can recall numerous situations where the optimal coding was dependent on the input data. $\endgroup$
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Jul 24, 2020 at 18:38
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ As the answers suggest, it's not just undecidable "in general" - it's undecidable typically. It's very undecidable. Famously undecidable. To the point where you never try anything but well-established optimizing transformations. $\endgroup$
    – einpoklum
    Commented Jul 24, 2020 at 22:10
  • $\begingroup$ Search Rice Theorem. Basically any semantic property cannot be decided for all programs. Optimizing a program basically means finding a semantic property and using that to make sure your program runs faster. The semantic property may be "this thing never happens", or "this result is always X" etc. However undecidable does not mean that you cannot analyze specific instances, it simply means you cannot write a program that works for any input. $\endgroup$
    – Bakuriu
    Commented Jul 25, 2020 at 8:03

5 Answers 5


Optimized program must have the same behavior as the original program. Consider the following program:

int main() {

, where it's guaranteed that $f$ is pure function. The only question is: does it finish its execution? If it does, then we can replace main()'s body with g(). Otherwise, we should replace it with an infinite loop. Unfortunately, verifying whether f() finishes its execution is undecidable.

Another example is the program with body print(f(42)), where f is pure. The optimal program would just replace f(42) with its value. However, there is no algorithm that does this. We may try to compute it in compile-time, but it may never finish.

Another example (now without infinite loops). Assume that your program defines a context-free grammar and $f(x)$ checks whether string $x$ belongs to the language defined by this grammar (for any CFG we can build such $f$ automatically). Then if $f$ is a constant "true", then

if (f(x)) {

can be optimized to g(). Unfortunately, checking that grammar accepts all strings is called a universality problem and is known to be undecidable.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Do you know if the same conclusion holds if one uses as equivalence of programs, instead of same outputs for the same inputs, to be same states for the same inputs? Although maybe for this question to make sense the details of how exactly the language in question is defined to corresponds to states of the machine and transition functions. $\endgroup$
    – plop
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 14:16
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Jake My question is not well defined. But note that what you are saying in the last part is not what I am asking. An optimal program, within the equivalence class of programs that pass through the same states as the given one, would have to do more than just the same outputs. For example, if the given program passes, for a given input, through the states testing the zero solution, testing solutions with absolute value <2, testing solutions with absolute value <4, etc, then, in the question that I asked, the optimized program would have to do the same. $\endgroup$
    – plop
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 15:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Careful: if you consider a fixed CFG grammar $G$ then the problem of deciding whether $L(G) = \Sigma^*$ is decidable. Indeed it must be decided by one of the following two Turing machines: 1) Accept immediately. 2) Reject immediately. If $G$ is part of the input then the problem is undecidable. $\endgroup$
    – Steven
    Commented Jul 23, 2020 at 0:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Steven The grammar may be fixed in the program, but the program is an input to the compiler, which must decide whether the program accepts all strings. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 23, 2020 at 10:56
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ It looks like your example is C code. That is critically important. In C, you can replace the body of main with g(). C defines the behavior of a program in terms of an abstract machine with observable behavior. Pure functions have no observable behavior. $\endgroup$
    – MSalters
    Commented Jul 23, 2020 at 12:45

For most interesting optimisations, I think this is implied by Rice's theorem. For real numbers, Richardson's theorem is also relevant here.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Also the Myhill‐Shepherdson theorem is relevant - Rice's theorem only concerns total functions, Myhill-Shepherdson plays a similar role for partial functions. (Both can be formulated quite abstractedly too, in more general settings than "functions on natural numbers".) $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 25, 2020 at 23:11

With some programming languages and computation models, you could even say that optimizing programs is the same as running them — just with a subset of computation rules. Then, if you allow enough optimizations to happen, it is clear that optimization faces the same non-termination problems as running programs.

Let me elaborate on my claim by providing a concrete example of a made-up language and its computational semantics.

Consider the following source code of a very primitive imperative language [1].

i := 0;;

IF (i == 0) do:

WHILE true do:
  i := i + (1 + 1) ;;
  i := i + 3

I hope the language grammar becomes clear from the above sample. It supports statements such as assignments variable name := ..., if conditions IF ... do:, while loops WHILE ... do:), and concatenated statements ... ;; .... Moreoever, it allows scalar expressions such as boolean conditions ... == ..., true, false, and simple arithmetic like ... + 3 within some of the previous statements.

Evaluation by Rules

Let us now invent a computational semantics for running such programs. Concretely, we will do so in terms of small-step semantics, i.e. a binary evaluation relation between contextual statements: we write p,Γ ⤳ p',Γ' if program p with variable states Γ transitions (computes, evaluates) to program p' with variable states Γ'. Then, the interpreter for our language works as follows: upon a program p, it picks the default start state for variables Γ_ini and tries reducing it as long as possible:

p,Γ_ini ⤳ p',Γ' ⤳ p'',Γ'' ⤳ ... ⤳ RET

Hopefully, this ends with a special program RET denoting termination. But it may very well happen that running does not terminate at all. For instance, our sample program invokes such non-terminating behavior — at least with the (intuitive) semantics we give next.

We give the following rules on statements, where S, S', T are meta variables for statements, E, E' are meta variables for expressions, and Γ a meta variable for contexts, and all of them are implicitly all-quantified.

  • if S,Γ ⤳ S',Γ', then (S ;; T),Γ ⤳ (S' ;; T),Γ'
  • always (SKIP ;; S),Γ ⤳ S,Γ
  • if E,Γ ⇝ E', then (X := E),Γ ⤳ (X := E'),Γ
  • if E,Γ ⇝ E', then (IF E do S),Γ ⤳ (IF E' do: S),Γ
  • always (IF true do: S),Γ ⤳ S,Γ
  • always (IF false do: S),Γ ⤳ SKIP,Γ
  • always (WHILE E do: S),Γ ⤳ (IF E do: S ;; WHILE E do: S),Γ

where ⇝ is a similar small-step relation on expressions that I omit here. There, E,Γ ⇝ E' means that expression E in context Γ transitions to expression E'. Note that since expressins cannot change variable state in our language, we omit the context Γ on the right-hand side of ⇝.

Optimization by Restricted Evaluation

How can we now formulate optimization rules for our language? For instance, our intuition demands that in the program above the statement IF (i == 0) do: SKIP optimize to nothing. It turns out we can achieve this with the very same tool of small-step semantics. For our purposes, we give the following set of optimization rules for the optimization relation ⤅:

  • if S,Γ ⤅ S',Γ', then (S ;; T),Γ ⤳ (S' ;; T),Γ'
  • if forall Δ, T,Δ ⤅ T',Δ, then (S ;; T),Γ ⤳ (S ;; T'),Γ (optimization does not need to be sequential as evaluation was)
  • always (IF E do: SKIP),Γ ⤅ SKIP,Γ
  • always (SKIP ;; E),Γ ⤅ E,Γ

With them, we see that our program above indeed first optimizes to i := 0 ;; (SKIP ;; WHILE true do: ...) (where I annotated parentheses explicitly) and then to i := 0 ;; (WHILE true do: ...) as desired.

Note that in contrast to the evaluation rules, here the exhaustive application of the optimization rules above does terminate — at least I hope this can be proven via induction. But this is just a consequence of our yet naive way of optimization. If we optimized many things further, we would also run into possibly non-terminating territory.

Correctness of Optimization

Importantly, optimization rules need to be derivable from the evaluation rules for sane programs, i.e. be a subset in some sense. Otherwise, our optimizations would be wrong. Regarding sanity, for instance our third optimization rule can only be derived if we assume that for E occurring in the if condition, we always have either E,Γ ⇝ ... ⇝ true or E,Γ ⇝ ... ⇝ false. Moreover, our second rule is only derivable if we assume that the S contained therein never gets stuck. In richer languages, S may even throw an exception.

However, both previous assumptions do usually hold if our language is typed, our type theory ensures soundness ("well-typed programs never get stuck/throw exceptions"), and the input program for optimization is actually well-typed. Indeed, the definitions of sanity of many programming language optimizers usually include well-typedness as a necessary condition. The C language is a prime example for a case where sanity of programs encompasses much more than well-typedness alone: namely, many optimizations by compilers are only correct if the input programs do not exhibit undefined behavior.

[1]: the language and its semantics are heavily inspired from the language Imp presented in the Software Foundations series, Volume 1: Logical Foundations by Pierce, de Amorim, Casinghino, Gaboardi, Greenberg, Hriţcu, Sjöberg, Yorgey et al.


It’s quite easy to write a program that will either print the smallest even N >= 4 which is not the sum of two primes, or run forever.

Run it through the optimiser. The optimised output would be either a program printing some long string of digits, or an empty loop. So that’s one hard mathematical problem your optimiser would have to crack.

  • 11
    $\begingroup$ Note that hard or currently unknown is not the same as undecidable. $\endgroup$
    – plop
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 14:17

Like many undecidability results about program analysis, this is a consequence of Rice's theorem.

Consider the function $g := x \mapsto \mathsf{if} \; f(x) \; \mathsf{then} \; 0 \; \mathsf{else} \; x$ where $C$ may contain variables. An optimal optimizer must optimize calls to this function to $0$ if $f(x)$ is true for every $x$.

The property “this function evaluates to $\mathsf{true}$ regardless of the value of its argument” is a non-trivial property of partial functions, therefore in accordance to Rice's theorem there is no algorithm to decide it.

Taking the contraposite, for any correct optimizer $T$, there exists a function $f_T$ which is always true, but such that $T$ does not realize that $f_T$ is always true and therefore does not optimize calls to $g$ to $0$.

The one part of this proof that I didn't model formally above is “an optimal optimizer must optimize …”: I didn't define what it means for an optimizer to be optimal. This requires a cost model over the programming language. One possible cost model is that every function call costs $1$. In this model, replacing $g(x)$ by $0$ decreases the cost by at least 1 so an optimal optimizer must do it.

This example works with any cost model where a function application has a nonzero cost and the cost of evaluating a program is larger or equal than the cost of evaluating any subprogram that gets evaluated as part of the evaluation of the larger program. For example, any “sane” small-step semantics is of this type: calling a function is a beta reduction, and the cost of evaluating a program is the number of instances of reduction rules that get applied.


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