I want to prove that $L=\{\langle M \rangle |L(M)\text{ is undecidable}\}$ is undecidable
I am not sure about this. This is my try :
Suppose L is decidable. Let $E$ be the decider from $L$. Let $A$ be a TM which is recognizing $A_{TM}$. Let $S$ be a TM which works on input $\langle M,w \rangle$ in the following way(the goal is that $S$ will be a decider for $A_{TM}$):
- Construct a TM $N$ which works on Input $x$ as follows: Run $M$ on $w$. If $M$ $accepts$ run $A$ on $x$ and accept $x$ if $A$ accepts.(In this case is $L(N)=A_{TM}$). If $M$ $rejects$ $w$, $accept$ $x$.(In this case is $L(N)=\Sigma^*$)
- Run $E$ on $N$ and accept if N accepts. Otherwise reject
I am not sure if my reduction is the right way or not. Maybe someone can help to finish the reduction :)