
My solution: let m = lg n. Then n = 2^m. T(2^m) = T(2^(m/2)) + theta(lgm). Let S(m) = T(2^m). Then S(m) = S(m/2) + theta(lgm). Applying master theorem, I get m^(lg1) = 1 which is asymptotically smaller than theta(lgm). So I think case 3 of the master theorem should apply. However, the solution given explains that case 2 of the master theorem applies here which I do not quite understand.

  • $\begingroup$ Hello and welcome to cs.SE! Please edit your question so that it is complete, readable, and detail your own attempts at solving the problem. $\endgroup$ Aug 8, 2020 at 6:46

2 Answers 2


Let $S(n) = T(2^n)$. Write a recurrence formula for S, solve S(n), use that to solve T(n).


T(n) = T(√n) + ϴ(log log n) …….1
Let n = 2m
Taking log2 both side, we get
log2n = m ……2
=> (log n) /log 2 = m (using the formula logab = logmb /logma)
=> log n = m x log2
Now, equation 1 becomes
T(2m) = T(2(m/2)) + ϴ(log (m x log2))
=> T(2m) = T(2(m/2)) + ϴ(log (m) + loglog2))
As we know that constant can be ignored hence loglog2 can be ignored
=> T(2m) = T(2(m/2)) + ϴ(log m) …….3
Now, let T(2m) = S(m) ……4
then T(2(m/2)) = S(m/2)
So eq. 2 becomes:
S(m) = S(m/2) + ϴ(log m)
Now it is in master’s form, i.e T(n) = aT(n/b) + ϴ(nk x logp n)
here a = 1, b= 2, k = 0 , p = 1
which follows the case a = bk, where p > -1
Hence S(m) = ϴ(mlogba x log(p+1) m)
=> S(m) = ϴ(mlog21 x log2 m)
=> S(m) = ϴ(m0 x log2 m)
=> S(m) = ϴ(log2 m)
Substituting S(m) with T(2m) from eq. 4
T(2m) = ϴ(log2 m)
Now substituting the value of m from equation 2, we get
T(n) = ϴ(log2 log2n)
Thus it doesn't matter what base is log the answer will be same taking log both side instead of log2 will make our job more easier.


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