
I am having trouble with coming up for a suitable algorithm for this question. A max-heap is essentially visualized as a binary tree not a binary search tree. Also the runtime of the algorithm must depend only on the number of elements in the output. I was thinking of doing a preorder traversal on the max heap. While doing the preorder traversal, if the value of a node is less than the given value x, we return to the previous recursive call. All child nodes in a max heap are less than the parent node. Otherwise we output current node and recur on the children.

I am not sure however if the runtime of this algorithm depends only on the number of elements in the output.

Anybody have other suggestions/thoughts? Thanks.


1 Answer 1


The algorithm you're describing is basically correct.

To summarize in one sentence: "If the current value is less than $x$, turn back."

The reason it has the desired time complexity is because the set of the nodes you are visiting is precisely:

  • the root node
  • all the nodes which are direct descendants of the nodes in the output (since every node has no more than two children, there are no more than $2k$ of these)

So the total number of times the body of your function gets executed is no more than $2k+1$.

  • $\begingroup$ I see! Thank you for clarifying. $\endgroup$
    – Sandy
    Commented Aug 6, 2020 at 0:11

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