Suppose we have a string containing letters 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', and the characters are placed in a stack. We also have an empty stack. Ultimately, we want all of the same letters to be together (continuous order) in the 2nd stack, using only 3 operations:
- push("p"): Removes an items from the bottom of the 1st stack and place it to the top of the 2nd
- complement("c"): Replace every all letters of the 1st stack with their "complements". The pairs are A - B and C - D
- reverse("r"): Reverse the content of the 2nd stack. The top becomes bottom and bottom->top.
The characters in the 2nd stack don't have to be in any particular order, we just need to find a way so that in the 2nd set we have letters of the same kind together, without any different letter interrupting the sequence.
Here are some examples of accepted answers:
- A
- BBBCCCCCCBBB -> important example, this is also accepted because we consider 1st position neighbor to the last
- AAAADAAAAA -> accepted for the same reason as 7)
Examples of not accepted answers:
- AAAABBBBACCCDDDD -> Not accepted because As are not together
- ABCDB -> Bs not grouped
Example of moves
| Move | First Stack | Second Stack | +------+-------------+--------------+ | | DBACA | | +------+-------------+--------------+ | p | DBAC | A | +------+-------------+--------------+ | p | DBA | CA | +------+-------------+--------------+ | r | DBA | AC | +------+-------------+--------------+ | p | DB | AAC | +------+-------------+--------------+ | c | CA | AAC | +------+-------------+--------------+ | p | C | AAAC | +------+-------------+--------------+ | r | C | CAAA | +------+-------------+--------------+ | p | | CCAAA | +------+-------------+--------------+
Note that the example above finds a solution, but not the minimum solution. The correct answer would be "ppr ppp"
Correct examples
Spaces in the sequence have no meaning and are added for readability purposes.
+------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | First Stack (input) | Moves (output) | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DD | pp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | BADA | ppr pp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DADA | ppc pp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DBACA | pprppp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | BDA CACA | ppr prp rppp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | CAC DCDC | pcp cpc pcp cpp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | ADA DBD BCB DBCB | ppr pcr pcr prp rpr prp rpr prp rp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DAB BCC DCC BDC ACD CC | ppc pcp cpp rpp rpp cpc ppr ppc prp | +------------------------+-------------------------------------+
Brute force approach
We could just use brute force approach,calculating all possible moves until the first stack is empty. This could be done using BFS or A* algorithms.
For example, we could initialize an empty queue, start from a parent node and create 3 new nodes for every possible move. Then add these nodes to the queue. Every time remove a node from the queue and apply the operations. Save the sequence of moves while nodes are created. If the last move was a "c", then skip "c" operation for this node. The same is true about "r" operation (no repetitive $c$s or $r$s). Every time we perform an operation we have to check if the 2nd stack satisfies our constraints. If not then delete this node. If stack1 = empty
for a node, then finish the program and return the sequence of moves.
In the above description I tried to think of an algorithm similar to backtracking, but with BFS instead of DFS and some improvements for this specific problem.
Is there a better way to solve this problem?
Can we apply some heuristics as improvement in the brute force approach?