Do they need to "unwind" exactly to the same set of paths or does it suffice when one set is contained in the other ?
Or is it sufficient to argue that M,s satisfies both LTL formulas for any starting s and a model M, that is, reaching with both at "true" ?
Let $M$ be any model. Further, let $s$ be any state $M$ might be in.
Let $\phi$ and $\psi$ be two LTL formulas.
If $\forall$ paths $\pi$ in $M$ starting at $s$ it holds that $\pi \models \phi \leftrightarrow \pi \models \psi $ then we say $\phi$ and $\psi$ are equivalent ($\phi \equiv \psi$).
More succinct
$(\pi \models \phi \leftrightarrow \pi \models \psi) \rightarrow (\phi \equiv \psi)$.
Example. Prove that $\neg G \chi \equiv F \neg \chi$.
If we can show that $(\pi \models \neg G \chi \leftrightarrow \pi \models F \neg \chi)$ we would have proven that $(\neg G \chi \equiv F \neg \chi)$. So we reduce to the former.
Step 1. We show that $(\pi \models \neg G \chi \rightarrow \pi \models F \neg \chi)$:
$\{(\pi \models \neg G \chi) \leftrightarrow (\pi \not\models G \chi) \leftrightarrow (\forall i \geq 1, i \in \mathbb{N}. \pi^i \not\models \chi)\} \rightarrow \{(\exists i \geq 1, i \in \mathbb{N}. \pi^i \not\models \chi) \leftrightarrow (\exists i \geq 1, i \in \mathbb{N}. \pi^i \models \neg\chi) \leftrightarrow (\pi \models F \neg \chi)\}.$
Step 2. We show that $(\pi \models F \neg \chi \rightarrow \pi \models \neg G \chi)$:
$\{(\pi \models F \neg \chi) \leftrightarrow (\exists i \geq 1, i \in \mathbb{N}. \pi^i \models \neg\chi) \leftrightarrow (\exists i \geq 1, i \in \mathbb{N}. \pi^i \not\models \chi)\} \rightarrow \{?\}.$ How do I get back?
Ok. I can semantically understand that if for every model and any path in it, it is true eventually that $\neg \chi$ holds, it cannot be the case that generally for every model and any path in it $\chi$ will hold. How can I write this down formally?
Would for $\{?\}$: $\{\neg (\forall i \geq 1, i \in \mathbb{N}. \pi^i \models \chi) \leftrightarrow (\neg (\pi \models G \chi)) \leftrightarrow (\pi \not\models G \chi) \leftrightarrow (\pi \models \neg G \chi)\}$ be a valid argumentation ? It looks different than Step 1. and anyway is there a rule to pull $\neg$ "out" from $\not\models$ this way ?