This is my implementation of a list structure.
It is not dynamically allocated, and all allocations are done when it is constructed.
- Iteration is at worst case O(n), n being the max size of the list
- Insert is O(1)
- Remove is O(1), except if using sort optimization(tradeoff: slows remove but potentially helps iteration)
If sorting optimization is used, any new elements that are added will be given an index towards the beginning of the list to fill in gaps better, making better use of the cache and reducing free cells in between. However this is called in the erase function, so removal will be O(log n).
Sorting could be called at a certain threshold (like once every 100 erase calls OR every second or so). This way it will not have as large of an impact on removal time complexity.
Also sorting refers to sorting the element indices that were erased and added back to the array of available indices.
template <typename T> struct zList{
#define _setBit(__byteArray, __bitPosition) (__byteArray[(__bitPosition)/8] |= (0x01<<((__bitPosition)%8)))
#define _clearBit(__byteArray, __bitPosition) (__byteArray[(__bitPosition)/8] &= ~(0x01<<((__bitPosition)%8)))
#define _getBit(__byteArray, __bitPosition) (__byteArray[(__bitPosition)/8] & (0x01<<((__bitPosition)%8)))
#define divideAndRoundUp(a, b) ((((a)+(b))-1)/(b))
-cache friendly iteration
-no allocations for insert or erase (unless in the deconstructor of the type)
-out of range access returns a valid reference (extra element at the end to the max size)
might be better to just return an exception/assert ?
can also check if it exists before accessing "list.exists(HANDLE);"
-sort_descending() this function is used to sort the array indices that were removed
this may or may not be an optimization depending on the use case.
sorting helps fill in gaps after erasing elements then adding new elements (the index will be the min index(closest to 0) and not a random one))
this helps the iteration by looping through less empty elements
if you don't sort then erase() will be O(1), but iteration *might* suffer
also sort can be called every x elements erased, or on a timer (maybe once per second, either manually call it or the next time erase it called it can check the time and decide if it needs to sort)
-Insertion is O(1)
-Removal is O(1) unless sorting is used O(log n)
-Iteration: worst case O(n 'n being the maxSize of the array'), it will iterate the max size of the list and iterate by 1 each time if the unused elements are every other
best case O(>=list.size()), an internal minimum index is stored so it knows where the first element is located and how many elements there are
so it knows when to start and stop
HOW TO USE-------------------------------------------------------------------
//can use Custom class/struct, or a base type
struct SomeType{
int allocated;
std::string someString;
int someValue;
unsigned char* someAllocation;
//default constructors will be called if not provided
SomeType(){ //all constructors are called upon list initialization
allocated = 0;
~SomeType(){ //all deconstructors are called when an element is erased
void alloc(){ //if you need to allocate memory, make sure to free it in the deconstructor so it will be cleaned up when erased or zList goes out of scope
allocated = 1;
someAllocation = (unsigned char*)malloc(100000000);
//Initialize the list
zList<SomeType> list(10);
//Clear and or resire the list
list.clear(); //clear
list.clear(15); //clear and make new size 15
//Insert - a little awkward syntax but whatever
int handleIndex = -1;
handleIndex = list.newIndex(); //Get an availible index(or handle) in the list
if(handleIndex==-1){} //You can skip list.isFull() and check if the handle is -1 instead (means it is full)
//Setting up the element, [] operator returns a refrence to the element
list[handleIndex].alloc(); //Allocate memory
list[handleIndex].someString = "test";
list[handleIndex].someValue = 128;
list.erase(handleIndex); //erase the element (this calls the deconstructor and then the constructor to reset the memory)
//Itteration - syntax like standard containers
//you can pass in a starting handle/index to begin()
for(auto it = list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
SomeType& st_0 = (*it); //dereferencing returns reference to the element
SomeType& st_1 = list[it.currentIndex]; //or get reference by using the index
//If you need to erase an element during iteration
for(auto it = list.begin(); it!=list.end();){ //remove ++it from the statement
SomeType& st_0 = (*it); //dereferencing returns reference to the element
SomeType& st_1 = list[it.currentIndex]; //or get reference by using the index
int needToErase;
list.erase(it); //Must erase using iterator and not index here so it can move the iterator to the next element
}else ++it; //iterate to the next element if we didn't erase
unsigned long long lastSortTime;
int minimumLoopIndex; //keeps track of the min index that is being occuied
int sortIndex; //Helps to lower the amount of indices we need to sort
int* availIndex; //available indices that we can use
unsigned char* usedIndicies; //a bitfield representing the array indices that are currently occupied
T* data; //Array of the elements, this array is allocated with an additional refrence element. This is returned if the array is indexed out of range
int availIndexCnt; //number of elements we can add to the list
int maxSize; //max number of elements we can add to the list
struct Iterator {
T* dataPtr;
int _maxSize;
unsigned char* _usedIndicies;
int elementsFound;
int currentIndicieCount;
int currentIndex;
Iterator(int startIndex, T* _dataPtr, int __maxSize, int _currentIndicieCount, unsigned char* __usedIndicies) : currentIndex(startIndex), dataPtr(_dataPtr), _maxSize(__maxSize), _usedIndicies(__usedIndicies), elementsFound(1), currentIndicieCount(_currentIndicieCount) {}
Iterator& operator++(){
//If we have found all the elements then we can stop checking the rest just return end() now
currentIndex = _maxSize;
return *this;
//Find the next element that is being used
//std::cout << currentIndex << " bb\n";
if(_getBit(_usedIndicies, currentIndex)){
unsigned long long testBits = *(unsigned long long*)&_usedIndicies[currentIndex/8]; //Get the next 8 bytes (that includes the current index)
//See notes in begin()
if(!(testBits )){ currentIndex += 64-(currentIndex&0x3F); continue; } //advance upto 64 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFFFFFFFFull)){ currentIndex += 32-(currentIndex&0x1F); continue; } //advance upto 32 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFFFFull )){ currentIndex += 16-(currentIndex&0x0F); continue; } //advance upto 16 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFFull )){ currentIndex += 8-(currentIndex&0x07); continue; } //advance upto 8 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFull )){ currentIndex += 4-(currentIndex&0x03); continue; } //advance upto 4 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0x3ull )){ currentIndex += 2-(currentIndex&0x01); continue; } //advance upto 2 empty elements
currentIndex++; //move just 1 element
}while(currentIndex < _maxSize);
if(currentIndex>_maxSize) currentIndex = _maxSize; //make == to end()
return *this;
Iterator& operator+=(int steps){
int newIndex = currentIndex + steps;
currentIndex = (newIndex < _maxSize) ? newIndex : _maxSize;
return *this;
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return currentIndex == other.currentIndex;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return currentIndex != other.currentIndex;
T& operator*() {
return *(&dataPtr[currentIndex]);
zList(int _maxSize){
if(_maxSize < 0) _maxSize = 1; //don't allow negative sizes
maxSize = _maxSize;
//data = tnew<T>(_maxSize+1, TMC::ZLIST_CONTAINER);
data = (T*)malloc((_maxSize+1)*sizeof(T)); //make sure to construct all of them initialy
int i=-1; while(++i < (_maxSize+1)) new(&data[i]) T();
availIndex = (int*)malloc(_maxSize*sizeof(int));
int g=-1; while(++g < _maxSize) availIndex[(_maxSize-1)-g] = g;
availIndexCnt = _maxSize;
usedIndicies = (unsigned char*)malloc((divideAndRoundUp(_maxSize,8)+16)*sizeof(unsigned char)); //added 16 to be able to access out of range bits
memset(usedIndicies, 0, (divideAndRoundUp(_maxSize,8)+16)); //zero memory
sortIndex = maxSize;
lastSortTime = 0;
minimumLoopIndex = maxSize; //this will just make the iterator start at the end()
int i=-1; while(++i<(maxSize+1)) data[i].~T(); //call the deconstuctor, all of them will be constructed to be able to safely do this
bool isFull(){ return !availIndexCnt; } //if count is 0 then it flips to 1 and returns as true
bool isEmpty(){ return availIndexCnt == maxSize; }
unsigned int size(){ return maxSize-availIndexCnt; }
void exists(unsigned int arrayIndex){ return ( (arrayIndex<maxSize) && (!_getBit(usedIndicies, arrayIndex)) );} //check if the index if being used
//Erases all the elements, if a newSize is provided, then it will clear and then resize the list
void clear(int newSize = 0){ //if newSize is not 0 then delete the old list and create a new one
for (auto it = begin(); it != end();) erase(it); //erase all the elements
int g=-1; while(++g < maxSize) availIndex[(maxSize-1)-g] = g;
memset(usedIndicies, 0, tsize(usedIndicies));
availIndexCnt = maxSize;
sortIndex = maxSize;
lastSortTime = 0;
minimumLoopIndex = maxSize;
this->~zList(); // Call the destructor for the current object
new (this) zList(newSize);
//Sorts the availIndex array starting from the sort index to the last index of the total count available
void sort_descending(){
int n = availIndexCnt - sortIndex; //number of ints to sort from the sort index to the current count
if(!n) return;
int* tmp = &availIndex[sortIndex]; //point to the sort index
std::sort(tmp, tmp+n, std::greater()); //sort the array in descending order
//-i is the number of sequential numbers from the sort index
//-k is the index that is expected next, sub 1 each after each check itteration
int i=-1, k=(maxSize-sortIndex)-1 ; while(++i<n){
if((k--)!=tmp[i]) break;
sortIndex += i; //move the sort index by the num of sequential indicies
//Get an availible index we can use
int newIndex(){
if(!availIndexCnt) return -1; //-1 means it is full
int arrayIndex = availIndex[--availIndexCnt];
_setBit(usedIndicies, arrayIndex);
if(arrayIndex<minimumLoopIndex) minimumLoopIndex = arrayIndex; //if our index we got is less than then set the minindex so the loop knows to begin their
return arrayIndex;
//erase by using the index we want to remove
void erase(unsigned int arrayIndex){
if(arrayIndex>=maxSize || (!_getBit(usedIndicies, arrayIndex))) return;
//if we are adding back to the array next to the sort index, increment the sort index if the array index is 1 less
if((sortIndex==availIndexCnt) && (((maxSize-sortIndex)-1)==arrayIndex)) sortIndex++;
//if the array index matches the min index we can safely move it up 1
if(arrayIndex==minimumLoopIndex) minimumLoopIndex++;
availIndex[availIndexCnt++] = arrayIndex; //add index back to be reused
_clearBit(usedIndicies, arrayIndex);
data[arrayIndex].~T(); //call the deconstuctor
new(&data[arrayIndex]) T(); //then the constructor again
//Optional - see notes
set a timer, or call sort every x times
if(lastSortTime){ //if a timer was set, sort if time passed
lastSortTime = 0; //all sorted so don't check again till we remove another one
lastSortTime = getNetTime()+1000; //sort in 1 second from now
//erase by using the itterator, then increment the it to the next one
void erase(Iterator& it){
int arrayIndex = it.currentIndex;
++it; //move itterator to the next one BEFORE we remove the current node
erase(arrayIndex); //erase by index
//Return a refrence to the element in the list
FORCEINLINE T& operator[](unsigned int arrayIndex){
//Takes the array index as an unsigned to avoid negative checks, and return the maxSize index if we try to access outside the range (0 to (maxSize-1))
return *(&data[min(arrayIndex, maxSize)]);
// Begin function returns an iterator to the head
Iterator begin(int startIndex = 0){
int useCustomStart = startIndex!=0;
if(!useCustomStart) startIndex = minimumLoopIndex; //if automatic start, begin at the minIndex
//Start at a valid starting index, make sure that start bit is actually set
//std::cout << startIndex << " aa\n";
if(_getBit(usedIndicies, startIndex)){
unsigned long long testBits = *(unsigned long long*)&usedIndicies[startIndex/8]; //type casting to 64bit int wont cause segfault because usedIndicies is padded with 16 additional bytes
these checks allow us to skip empty cells in the array
depending on the sparsity of the empty cells/ application use cases, some checks may not be necessary
for example if the empty cells are very sparse (5 or 6) per occupied element, just test the first 4 and 2 bits
automatically determine this with a rough guess
if(!(testBits )){ startIndex += 64-(startIndex&0x3F); continue; } //advance upto 64 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFFFFFFFFull)){ startIndex += 32-(startIndex&0x1F); continue; } //advance upto 32 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFFFFull )){ startIndex += 16-(startIndex&0x0F); continue; } //advance upto 16 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFFull )){ startIndex += 8-(startIndex&0x07); continue; } //advance upto 8 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0xFull )){ startIndex += 4-(startIndex&0x03); continue; } //advance upto 4 empty elements
if(!(testBits&0x3ull )){ startIndex += 2-(startIndex&0x01); continue; } //advance upto 2 empty elements
startIndex++; //move just 1 element (This is required if the checks above fail)
}while(startIndex < maxSize);
if(startIndex>maxSize) startIndex = maxSize; //make == to end()
if(!useCustomStart) minimumLoopIndex = startIndex;
return Iterator(startIndex, data, maxSize, size(), usedIndicies);
// End function returns an iterator to a null pointer (end of the list)
Iterator end() {
return Iterator(maxSize, data, maxSize, size(), usedIndicies);