Wiki describes the binary relation $\underset{\mbox{G}}{\implies}$ as "G derives in one step". I have a question on the condition when there are multiple productions for a single non-terminal.
Wiki defines $G = (N, \Sigma, P, S)$ and $\underset{\mbox{G}}{\implies} \subset (\Sigma \cup N)^* \times (\Sigma \cup N)^*$ where:
$(\underset{\mbox{G}}{x \implies y}) \iff \exists u,v,p,q \in (\Sigma \cup N)^* : (x = upv) \land ((p, q) \in P) \land (y = uqv)$
Then $(\overset * {\underset{\mbox{G}}{x \implies y}})$ is defined as the refexive transitive closure. Therefore applying $\underset{\mbox{G}}{\implies}$ multiple times results in the language of the grammar:
$\{w \in \Sigma^* | (\overset * {\underset{\mbox{G}}{S \implies w}})\}$
For the form $(\underset{\mbox{G}}{x \implies y})$ I consider the case of multiple rules $(p,q_0), (p, q_1) \in P$ for a non-terminal $N$. If solving for $y$, $y$ will result in the string with only a single rule applied. How should the derivation happen with multiple production rules?
I can see that supplying both arguments $(\Sigma \cup N)^* \times (\Sigma \cup N)^*$ to $\underset{\mbox{G}}{x \implies y}$ will yield all derivations.