Suppose you are given two sets of integers L and M both having N elements. The problem is to match each number in L to a number in M. Such perfect matching has some cost given by $\sum_{i=1}^{N} l_i*m_i$.
I want to find some perfect matching with some given cost. I suspect that this is hard (i.e. NP-complete). Can you solve it quickly? (find an efficient algorithm).
Here is an example: we have three courses, credit hours are 4, 5, 8. Grade points are 4, 3, 2. A solution is a perfect matching between the lists that result in some given GPA.
For this to be computationally meaningful, the largest grade point and largest credit hour are unbounded.
P.S. Yuval hinted the reduction from Subset sum problem. I am interested in hardness proof of strong NP-completeness.