I am facing the task of designing an algorithm to rank some hundred of images (around 300). The ranking is to be based on pairwise comparison judged by human (done through Amazon mechanical Turk). I have read many papers on ranking inference based on a subset of all possible pairwise comparisons (e.g. Jamieson and Nowak 2011). But I think because I don't have many images, exact ranking should be achievable with properly designed pairwise comparison sequences using some sorting algorithm.
Nonetheless this is different from the standard array sorting in the sense that, comparison result is not known with certainty prior to arranging the pair for comparison and letting the human judge decide. Thus there is a bit of adaptive selection involved. Moreover since it is based on the perception of one human judge, no parallel processing is possible to expedite the sorting. What is worse, transitivity is not guaranteed. Therefore some standard sorting algorithms may not be applicable.
Would somebody please recommend some sorting algorithm for my task?
Many thanks!