I came across interactive proofs and randomized computation, in particular, i read about the complexity classes $\text{IP}, \text{BPP}, \text{RP}$, etc.
Since the above classes are well-known, I will give a hand-wavy definition of $\text{IP}$. Then, I will state my question. Roughly speaking, a language $L \in \text{IP}$ iff there exist a pair of interactive algorithms Prover $P$ and Verifier $V$, with $V$ running in probabilistic polynomial time (in the length of the input $x$: $x$ is common to both $P$ and $V$), such that:
- If $x\in L$, and the Prover $P$ follows the protocol, then the probability that the Verifier $V$ accepts is 1, and
- if $x\notin L$, then for any Prover $P$ (even a cheating one), the probability that the Verifier $V$ accepts is at most $\frac{1}{2}$.
I note that $P$ is allowed to be computationally unbounded.
Now to understand the power of interaction, I started to see what happens when restrict or give up the interaction between the prover and the verifier. I read the following in this lecture here, given by Jonathan Katz:
1- Assume that the verifier has input $x$. If the protocol is such that the prover $P$ sends a proof $\pi$ (to the fact that $x\in L$) to the verifier $V$, and then the interaction ends. The verifier has then to verify that $x \in L$, given $\pi$. If the verifier is deterministic and runs in polynomial time in $|x|$. Then, it is not hard to see that such interactive protocol is equivalent to the complexity class $\text{NP}$.
2- Now if we consider the interaction protocol in item 1, and additionally allow the verifier to be probabilistic, then we get more than $\text{NP}$. Specifically, it is known that in this case, any language in $L \in \text{BPP}$ can be handled by the protocol. Note that this actually suggest that we can eliminate the error when $x\in L$.
The protocol in item 2, can be thought of as a randomized version of $\text{NP}$.
Here comes my question: can the protocol given in item 2, handle any language in $\text{IP}$? That is, given a language $L\in \text{IP}$, can we give up the interaction entirely and still be able to verify that $x \in L$ in probabilistic polynomial time with completeness $1$, and soundness at most $\frac{1}{2}$? Intuitively, I think the answer is unknown because randomized complexity classes are conjectured to be contained in $\text{P}$ and we don't even know whether $\text{P}$ is a strict subset of $\text{PSPACE} = \text{IP}$.