
Let the language $K = \{\langle W \rangle: W \text{ is a DFA on } \{a, b, c\} \text{ and } L(W) \text{ contains some string in } \{b, c\}^*\}$.

Is $K$ decidable?

Is it sufficient to define $M$ as follow :

  1. Input $w$;
  2. Simulate the computation of $W$ on $w$
  3. If the accepting state is final after reading at least one $b$ or one $c$ or both, then halt and accept $w$.
  4. Otherwise, halt and reject $w$

I think if $W$ is a DFA, $L(W)$ is a regular language, so it has a pumping length $p$ that is at most the number of states in $W$. Using the pumping lemma to explain why $M$ need only test words in $\{a,b,c\}^∗$ whose lengths are less than $p$ in order to ensure that if $L(W)$ contains at least one word with no $a$'s, $M$ will find one. Can I use that? If so, how? I am a bit stuck right now.

  • $\begingroup$ You have to show that there is a Turing machine $T$ that takes $W$ as input and accepts if there is a word $w \in \{b,c\}^*$ that is accepted by $W$. If no such $w$ exists then $T$ must reject. Notice that $w$ is not part of the input to $T$. $\endgroup$
    – Steven
    Commented Apr 13, 2021 at 16:14
  • $\begingroup$ You say "I think I have to show that there exists a Turing-Machine $M$, given $w$, which will halt and accept if $w$ is accepted by $W$ and halt and reject if $w$ is not accepted by $W$". This is incorrect. $w$ is not part of the input to $M$. The problem is not about deciding whether an input word $w$ is accepted by $W$ but about deciding whether there exists a word $w \in \{b,c\}^*$ that is accepted $W$. The input to $T$ is just a description of $W$. $\endgroup$
    – Steven
    Commented Apr 13, 2021 at 16:18
  • 3
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    – D.W.
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 0:24
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Do not edit your question to remove useful content. See also cs.stackexchange.com/help/editing. $\endgroup$
    – D.W.
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 18:14

1 Answer 1


Assume that the input is a valid description of a DFA $W$ (for any reasonable description this is a decidable problem). You need to show that, given $W$, is is possible to decide whether there exists a word $w \in \{b,c\}^*$ that is accepted by $W$.

Since $W$ is a DFA, $L(W)$ is a regular language. By the closure properties of regular languages, $L' = L(W) \cap \{ b,c \}^*$ is also regular (and you can construct a DFA $W'$ for it by simply deleting all transitions labelled $a$ from $W$).

Then the problem is equivalent to deciding whether $L'$ is empty. This problem is known to be decidable. In fact, you can even solve it in linear time w.r.t. the natural description of the DFA: you just need to decide whether there exists a path from the initial state to a final state in the graph induced by $W'$ (which can be done using, e.g., a breadth first search).

Here is an alternative (slower) approach that more closely resembles the one in your question. Design a Turing machine $T$ that, on input $W$, behaves as follows:

  • Let $n$ be the number of states of $W$.
  • For each $i=0, \dots, n-1$:
    • For each word $w \in \{b,c\}^i$:
      • Simulate $W$ on $w$.
      • If $W$ accepted $w$ then accept.
  • Reject

It is clear that $T$ always halts and that if $W \not\in K$ then $T$ must reject. Therefore we only need to show that if $W \in K$ then $T$ accepts.

To show the above, it suffices to prove that the existence of some word $w \in \{b,c\}^*$ accepted by $W$ implies the existence of some $w' \in \{b,c\}^*$ with $|w'| \le n−1$ that is also accepted by $W$.

Among all possible words $w \in \{b,c\}^*$ accepted by $W$, let $w'$ be one of those minimizing $|w|$ and suppose towards a contradiction that $|w'| \ge n$. Since the pumping length of $L$ is at most $n$, we can invoke the pumping lemma to write $w'$ as $xyz$ with $|y| \ge 1$. Then, $w''=xz \in L$ belongs to $\{b,c\}^∗$, is accepted by $W$, and satisfies $|w''| < |w'|$. This contradicts the choice of $w'$.


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