Given n disks in the plane, i want to compute the lowest point in their intersection area, im looking for a simple randomized incremental algorithm.
There are some circles in the plane, these circles have an intersection R, the point with the lowest y in R is what i mean.
Why i thought of RIC is that maybe we can add circles incrementaly and updating the intersection area each time and also the optimal point should be updated if it possible with the lower time.
I think this problem have some similarity with 2D half-plane intersection (2D LP). In that problem we were looking for an optimal point in respect of the cost vector. But subproblems in that problem was finding the intersection between a half-plane and a convex region with can be reduced to a simpler 1D problem. That 1D problem is half-line intersection, which is easier to solve.
Here but i have trouble to define a simpler subproblem. Also in the Analysis for expected time, i don’t see how to use backward analysis here.
I also guess maybe we can solve this problem with finding the convex-hull of those circles, then we look for it’s core with half-plane intersection, but i really uncertain about this idea.