In JavaScript, let's say, it is easy to build a string intermixed with single underscores by just joining the string parts.
let string = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].join('_')
In addition, it is straightforward to write a grammar that can have letters separated by at least one underscore.
grammar = letter letterOrUnderscore*
letter = a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
underscore = _
letterOrUnderscore = underscore|letter
That will match the input string:
However, it will also match these unwanted strings:
Basically, it will match sequences of underscores, when what we want is only one underscore between each sequence of letters, and we shouldn't have trailing underscores. So only these are acceptable, for example:
The question is, how do you define a grammar to only allow 1 underscore between each sequence of letters? I can't figure out how to write any sort of custom "grammar DSL" that can, in a straightforward way, handle this situation... I'm stumped currently how to do this.
grammar = letter then
if previous == letter
next = letter | underscore
next = letter
So it seems to need to access to the previous state, is there no other way to define this? Besides not being very "DSL-like", it's also significantly harder to handle this sort of situation.