My question is about part 15.5 in CLRS (third edition)*, on optimal binary search trees. I am confused about the following sentences:
Consider any subtree of a binary search tree. It must contain keys in a contiguous range $k_i, …, k_j$ for some $1 \leq i \leq j \leq n$. In addition, a subtree that contains keys $k_i, …, k_j$ must also have as its leaves the dummy keys $d_{i-1}, … d_j$.
(where $(k_j)_{j \in {[1,\ …,\ n]}}$ is a sorted sequence containing the keys of the nodes in the BST).
The chapter does not include proof of this statement, which does not seem obvious to me at all.
Moreover, I do not understand why the tree (key: $d_0$, right child: (key: $k_1$, right child: $d_1$)) — where $d_0$ is the dummy node corresponding to values strictly less than $k_1$ and $d_1$ is the dummy node corresponding to values strictly greater than $k_1$ — is not a satisfactory counterexample. It satisfies the BST property ($d_0 < k_1 < d_1$) and $k_1$ is not an ancestor of $d_0$.
* Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein