
Let $\mathbb{H}$ be the set of all Turing machines that halt on all inputs. Consider the following Turing machine $T$. On input $\langle S \rangle$ where $S \in \mathbb{H}$ (note that the angle brackets indicate a string encoding of $S$), $T$ does the following:

  1. Simulate $S$ on $\langle S \rangle$.
  2. If $S$ accepts, reject. If $S$ rejects, accept.

Because $S \in \mathbb{H}$, $S$ will always halt. Thus, $T$ will always halt, which implies $T \in \mathbb{H}$. Note that $T$ decides the language

$$\{\langle S \rangle \mid \text{$S \in \mathbb{H}$ and $S$ rejects $\langle S \rangle$}\}.$$

But $T$ accepts $\langle T \rangle$ if and only if $T$ rejects $\langle T \rangle$—this is a contradiction. Where is the error in this logic?


2 Answers 2


It is false that $T$ decides the language $$L = \{\langle S \rangle \mid \text{$S \in \mathbb{H}$ and $S$ rejects $\langle S \rangle$}\}.$$

In particular consider a turing machine $M$ that does not halt on all inputs but halts and rejects on input $\langle M \rangle$. Then $T(\langle M \rangle)$ accepts but $\langle M \rangle$ is not in $L$ since $M \not\in \mathbb{H}$.


I just realized where I went wrong. The Turing machine $T$ that I gave does not actually exist.

In particular, I required that $S \in \mathbb{H}$ for an input $\langle S \rangle$. But this implicitly tasks $T$ with verifying that $S \in \mathbb{H}$ before executing steps 1 and 2. This requires $T$ to solve the halting problem (or some variant of it).

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The Turing machine $T$ you describe does exist. You are requiring $T$ to behave in a certain way when its input is from $\mathbb{H}$ (and you impose no requirement when the input is not from $\mathbb{H}$). There is no need for $T$ to verify that the input is from $\mathbb{H}$. $\endgroup$
    – Steven
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 23:50
  • $\begingroup$ I was being unclear. I meant that $T$ only executes steps 1 and 2 if the input is of the form $\langle S \rangle$ where $S \in \mathbb{H}$. $\endgroup$
    – Frank
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 23:52
  • $\begingroup$ I see. Then I agree that your argument assumes the existence of a machine $T$ that is powerful enough to solve the halting problem and uses this fact to conclude that the halting problem is decidable, which is not very surprising ;) $\endgroup$
    – Steven
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 23:53

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