Here is a solution based on crossing sequences:
To begin with, assume w.l.o.g that the machine moves to the right end of the input before halting -- this may make the number of times the machine crosses a cell at most 11, but it does not matter as long as it is a constant. Assume also that the machine scans the input to the right end of the input and back to the left most cell before it begins its computation.
Consider an input word $xz$. We need to investigate the amount of information the machine can carry across the boundary between $x$ and $z$; That is, the information across the tape-cells $|x|$ and $|x|+1$. By the assumption, the machine can cross the boundary at most 10 times.
Now assume that we cross the boundary and enter $x$ from the right, and let $q_{in}$ be the state that we move to upon entering the cell $|x|$. As the machine is deterministic, and we cross the boundary again in the future from left to right, then there is a unique state $q_{out}$ that we enter upon reaching the cell $|x|+1$ for the next time. That is, $q_{out}$ is a function of $q_{in}$ and $x$. Note that as the machine can change the tape's content, then once we are in $q_{out}$, it could be the case that we have replaced $x$ with some other word $x'$, yet we can still determine the next state $q'_{out}$ as a function of $x'$ and $q'_{in}$, where $q'_{in}$ is the state we enter when we cross the boundary again from right to left when $x'$ is written, and $q'_{out}$ is the state that we next move to when we cross the boundary left to right.
The latter scenario repeats at most 10 times. So we have the following outcome:
$ \pi_{x} = (x_1, q^1_{in}, q^1_{out}, x_2, q^2_{in}, q^2_{out}, \ldots, x_{k}, q^{k}_{in}, q^{k}_{out}, x_{k+1})$, where $x_1 = x$, $k\leq 10$, and for all $i$, $q^i_{out}$ and $x_{i+1}$ are both a function of $q^i_{in}$ and $x_i$. Note that the $q_{in}$'s are also determined according to what is written right of the boundary. So the way I think of the outcome $\pi_{x}$ is as a game. You give me $q^i_{in}$, and I, given $x_i$, write $x_{i+1}$ and reply with $q^i_{out}$.
Consider two words $x, y\in \Sigma^*$. We say that $x$ and $y$ are $\pi$-equivalent if they induce the same sequence $(q^1_{out}, q^2_{out}, \ldots)$ of states given that they receive the same $q^i_{in}$'s. Formally, $x$ and $y$ are $\pi$-equivalent if for all $q^i_{in}$, if the histories so far are:
$(x, q^1_{in}, q^1_{out}, x_2, q^2_{in}, q^2_{out}, \ldots, x_{m}, q^{m}_{in}, q^{m}_{out}, x_{m+1}, q^{m+1}_{in})$
$(y, q^1_{in}, q^1_{out}, y_2, q^2_{in}, q^2_{out}, \ldots, y_{m}, q^{m}_{in}, q^{m}_{out}, y_{m+1} q^{m+1}_{in})$
Then, both histories induce the same state $q^{m+1}_{out}$, although they may induce different words $x_{m+2}$ and $y_{m+2}$.
Consider two words $x, y \in \Sigma^*$. It is not hard to see if $x$ and $y$ are $\pi$-equivalent, then for all $z\in \Sigma^*$, it holds that $xz$ is accepted iff $yz$ is accepted. Indeed, imagine that you are standing at the boundary between $xz$ or between $yz$, and keep track of the states the machine moves to upon each cross. So you don't see $x$ and $z$, you only see the states. As $x$ and $y$ produce the same sequence of states given the same $q_{in}$'s, and as the $q_{in}'s$ are determined based on the visited states, the value of $z$ , and are not affected if at the beginning we replaced $x$ with $y$, then we get that the machine visits the same sequence of states (although it may modify the tape differently left of the boundary). Note that the fact that we accept only after scanning the input to its right end, implies that we accept $xz$ iff we accept $yz$ (note that here we use the assumption that the machine is a decider, and thus it eventually halts after moving to the right end of the tape's content -- so it cannot be the case that the computation never leaves the portion of the tape where $x$ or $y$ is written). As there are finitely many sequences of states of length at most $k$, it follows that the equivalence relation $\pi$-equivalent has finitely many equivalence classes, and thus we conclude that the language of the machine has finitely-many Myhill-Nerode equivalence classes, and hence is regular.
To sum up, the crux of the proof is that every word $x$ induces a function $f_x$ that given a sequence of incoming states, outputs a sequence of outgoing states. As we are allowed input and output sequences of length at most 5, then there are finitely many such functions.
Edit: Let $L$ be the language of the machine. If you are not satisfied with the Myhill-Nerode approach, then you can easily define an explicit DFA $A = (\Sigma, Q, q_0, \delta, F)$ for $L$, where:
- $Q = \{ f_x\}_{x\in \Sigma^*}$.
- $q_0 = f_\epsilon$.
- For every letter $\sigma$, and state $f_x$, we define $\delta(f_x, \sigma) = f_{x\cdot \sigma}$.
- $F = \{ f_x: x \in L\}$.
The only non-trivial point is to note that for every distinct words $x\neq y \in \Sigma^*$, and letter $\sigma\in \Sigma$, it holds that if $f_x = f_y$, then $f_{x\cdot a} = f_{y\cdot a}$. Also, by what we've argued above, if $f_x = f_y$, then $x\in L$ iff $y\in L$.
Note: I assumed that the machine is deterministic as in these textbooks, a "Turing machine" means deterministic Turing machine, unless explicitly stated otherwise (we can see in the question's body that properties of a computational model are written in parentheses, including the branching mode).