I am trying to build an imperative programming language with a type system that will allow for proofs. I just found kind lang, which implements all the ideas that I have been meaning to use (plus more), but it is a functional language. An older rendition of the project was Formality in JavaScript, or probably earlier, the Calculus of Constructions in JavaScript. Also I take inspiration from Rust.
The key function I am trying to understand is how typechecking works (also, how type inference works / is implemented). From Formality, it is like this basically (from the link):
const Var = (name,indx) => ({ctor:"Var",name,indx});
const Ref = (name) => ({ctor:"Ref",name});
const Typ = () => ({ctor:"Typ"});
const All = (eras,self,name,bind,body) => ({ctor:"All",eras,self,name,bind,body});
const Lam = (name,body) => ({ctor:"Lam",name,body});
const App = (func,argm) => ({ctor:"App",func,argm});
const Let = (name,expr,body) => ({ctor:"Let",name,expr,body});
const Def = (name,expr,body) => ({ctor:"Def",name,expr,body});
const Ann = (done,expr,type) => ({ctor:"Ann",done,expr,type});
const Nat = (natx) => ({ctor:"Nat",natx});
const Chr = (chrx) => ({ctor:"Chr",chrx});
const Str = (strx) => ({ctor:"Str",strx});
// ...
function typecheck(term, type, defs, ctx = Nil()) {
var typv = reduce(type, defs);
switch (term.ctor) {
case "Lam":
if (typv.ctor === "All") {
var self_var = Ann(true, term, type);
var name_var = Ann(true, Var(term.name, ctx.size+1), typv.bind);
var body_typ = typv.body(self_var, name_var);
var body_ctx = Ext({name:term.name,type:name_var.type}, ctx);
typecheck(term.body(name_var), body_typ, defs, body_ctx);
} else {
error(term, ctx, "Lambda has a non-function type.");
case "Let":
var expr_typ = typeinfer(term.expr, defs, ctx);
var expr_var = Ann(true, Var(term.name, ctx.size+1), expr_typ);
var body_ctx = Ext({name:term.name,type:expr_var.type}, ctx);
typecheck(term.body(expr_var), type, defs, body_ctx);
var infr = typeinfer(term, defs, ctx);
var eq = equal(type, infr, defs, ctx.size);
if (!eq) {
var type0_str = show(normalize(type, {}), ctx);
var infr0_str = show(normalize(infr, {}), ctx);
error(term, ctx,
"Found type: \x1b[2m"+infr0_str+"\x1b[0m\n" +
"Instead of: \x1b[2m"+type0_str+"\x1b[0m");
return {term,type};
So there's that, and then there are things like this ("typing rules"):
How am I to read these typing rules, and yet think about a type checking algorithm? I would like to (in my head at least) convert the typing rules to useful code. Basically, what is a type rule for in the end? How does it get used in a type checking algorithm? How do I read the typing rule so that it makes sense in the context of a type checking algorithm pretty much? What is the relation between type inference rules and type checking? I don't see how to combine the two clearly and practically.
imperative programming language
. $\endgroup$