If you only want to count the number of comparisons then you can achieve $O\left(n\log(1+\frac{m}{n})\right)$ comparisons as follows:
Let $k_1$ denote the index of $a_1$ in the final array $c$ and for $1<i\leq n$ let $k_i$ denote the difference between the indices of $a_i$ and $a_{i-1}$ in the final array $c$.
To insert $a_1$ in $b$, start by doing an exponential search to find the smallest $r$ such that $b_{2^r} \geq a_1$ (this is also the smallest $r$ such that $2^r \geq k_1$). This takes $O(\log k_1)$ comparisons. Now do a binary search between the indices $1$ and $2^r$ to locate the correct position $k_1$ to insert $a_1$, and insert the element there. This also takes $O(\log k_1)$ comparisons.
To insert $a_2$ into $b$ start by doing an exponential search, starting at $k_1$, to find the smallest $r$ such that $b_{k_1+2^r} \geq a_2$ (this is also the smallest $r$ such that $2^r \geq k_2$). This takes $O(\log k_2)$ comparisons. Now do a binary search between the indices $k_1$ and $k_1+2^r$ to locate the correct position $k_1+k_2$ to insert $a_2$, and insert the element there. This also takes $O(\log k_2)$ comparisons.
In general following this strategy you will make $O(\log k_i)$ comparisons to insert element $a_i$. So the total number of comparisons will be $T = O\left(\sum_{i=1}^n\log k_i\right)$. Because the $\log$ function is concave, by Jensen's inequality we have $\sum_{i=1}^n\log k_i \leq n\log \frac{\sum k_i}{n} \leq n\log \frac{n+m}{n}$. The result follows.
Notice that (assuming $n\leq m$) this is asymptotically always at least as good as $O(n+m)$ and $O(n\log m)$, and sometimes better than both: if you take for example $m=n\log n$ you get $O(n\log\log n)$ comparisons compared to $O(n\log n)$ with both other methods.
To complement this, let us show that this is optimal (up to a constant factor, still assuming $m\geq n$). The number of ways to insert $n\geq 1$ ordered elements into an ordered array of length m is $\frac{(m+n)!}{m!n!} \geq \frac{(m+1)^n}{n!} \geq \max\{(\frac{m}{n})^n, 2^n\}$. Thus to distinguish between these cases you need at least $T\geq \log_2(\frac{(m+1)^n}{n!})$ comparisons in the worst case. We have $T \geq \max\{n\log_2\frac{m}{n}, n\}$, which implies $T \geq \frac{1}{2}n\log_2(1+\frac{m}{n})$.
The typical mergesort method
should read The typical merge method more likely than not. In a scientific context, it is challenging to ask for optimal solutions (Fastest Algorithm
): any proposal will be expected to be proven. (Which is where within a constant factor comes in.)) $\endgroup$