Your idea of extracting the ratios of successive differences between the adjacent numbers is brilliant.
Let $P''$ retain all needed information
The $0$'s in $P'$ or $T'$ pose some difficulty in producing the ratios. Your idea of "skipping the $0$'s" is the right approach. In order to make your idea working, we should also track how many $0$s are skipped.
At step 2, instead of dividing by $P'[i+1]$, divide $P'[i]$ by the nonzero number in $P'$ at the smallest index $j\lt i$. We have to keep track of the difference between $j$ and $i$ as well.
Since $c\neq 0$, if $P'[i]$ matches $T'[j]$, then both of them are zeros or none of them is $0$, i.e., it cannot happen that exactly one of them is $0$. So The information whether a number in $P'$ or $T'$ is $0$ or not is critical. If it is $0$, then whether the number before it is $0$ or not can be helpful information as well.
Following the ideas above, here is one way to create $P''$.
- if $P'[i]==0$,
- if $i== 1 $ or $P'[i-1]==0$, let $P''[i] = (555555, -1)$
- otherwise, let $P''[i] = (55555, -2)$
- Otherwise,
- if there is no nonzero element before index $i$ in $P'$, let $P''[i] = (55555, -3)$.
- else, suppose $j$ is the index of last such element. Let $P''[i] = (P'[i]/P'[j], i-j)$
When $P''[i]$ is one of $(55555,-1)$, $(55555,-2)$ and $(55555, -3)$, the second parts, $-1, -2, -3$ carries all the information in $P''[i]$. The first parts, $55555$, are padded so that $P''[i]$ is always a pair of numbers for all $i$.
Create $T''$ from $T'$ in the same way.
What does "match" mean?
How can we apply/tweak KMP algorithm to process $P''$ and $T''$ so that we will find all affine transformation of $T'$ in $P'$? The key point is to customize the meaning of "$P''[i]$ matches $T''[j]$" to suit our purpose.
They match if
- either they are the same,
- or the second part of $T''[[j]$ is $-3$ -- which means all elements before index $j$ in $T'$ are $0$s and the second part of $P''[i]$ is greater than $j+1$ -- which means all $j$ elements before index $i$ in $P'$ are $0$s).
An implementation in Python
The arrays/lists in the explanation above start at index 1. Of course, when it comes to Python, all lists start at index 0.
def get_ratios(numbers):
"""Return the enriched ratio of ratios of successive differences between
the adjacent numbers. 55555 is used only for padding."""
n = len(numbers)
diffs = [numbers[i + 1] - numbers[i] for i in range(n - 1)]
to_previous_index = [-1] * n # of nonzero element in diffs
index_of_previous_nonzero = -1
for i in range(n - 1):
to_previous_index[i] = index_of_previous_nonzero
if diffs[i]:
index_of_previous_nonzero = i
def compute_enriched_ratio(index):
if diffs[index] == 0:
return (55555, -1) if index == 0 or diffs[index - 1] == 0 \
else (55555, -2)
if to_previous_index[index] == -1:
ratio = (55555, -3)
ratio = (
diffs[index] / diffs[to_previous_index[index]],
index - to_previous_index[index])
return ratio
ratios = [compute_enriched_ratio(i) for i in range(1, n - 1)]
return ratios
def is_matched(pattern, j, nums, i):
"""return whether pattern[j] matches nums[i]"""
return pattern[j] == nums[i] or (pattern[j][1] == -3 and nums[i][1] > j + 1)
def compute_partial_match_table(pattern):
""" return an array the element of which at index i is the length of
the longest suffix of pattern[0:i] that matches a prefix of the pattern"""
m = len(pattern)
pmt = [0] * m
pmt[0] = 0
longest = 0 # length of the previous longest prefix suffix
i = 1
while i < m:
if is_matched(pattern, longest, pattern, i):
longest += 1
pmt[i] = longest
i += 1
if longest:
longest = pmt[longest - 1] # i is not increased
pmt[i] = 0
i += 1
return pmt
def find_all_matches_with_affine_transformation(pattern, nums):
"""return all indices such that for each index j, there exists an affine
transformation of `pattern` that is a prefix of `nums[j:]`"""
m, n = len(pattern), len(nums)
if m > n:
return []
if m == 1:
return list(range(n))
if m == 2:
if pattern[0] == pattern[1]:
return [i for i in range(n - 1) if nums[i] == nums[i + 1]]
return [i for i in range(n - 1) if nums[i] != nums[i + 1]]
ratios_pattern = get_ratios(pattern)
ratios_nums = get_ratios(nums)
# KMP algorithm
pmt = compute_partial_match_table(ratios_pattern)
m -= 2
n -= 2
j = 0 # index of current number in pattern
i = 0 # index of current number in nums
matches = []
while i < n:
if is_matched(ratios_pattern, j, ratios_nums, i):
i += 1
j += 1
if j == m:
matches.append(i - j)
j = pmt[j - 1]
elif i < n: # mismatch after j matches
if j != 0: # since pattern[0..lps[j-1]] matches
j = pmt[j - 1]
i += 1
return matches
def demo():
pattern = [1, 3, 4]
nums = [3, 7, 9, 5, 0, 0, 3]
indices = find_all_matches_with_affine_transformation(pattern, nums)
for i in indices:
print("starting at index", i, nums[i: i + len(pattern)])
# starting at index 0 [3, 7, 9]