The word swizzle can refer to an operation performed in GPU algorithms:
[The] ability to compose vectors by arbitrarily rearranging and combining components of other vectors.
Swizzle (computer graphics) - Wikipedia
I've found another reference to "swizzle" in a CS context when dealing with pointers, i.e. Pointer swizzling.
The word has always struck me in its impact and distinctiveness. Who decided on the word swizzle? When did they decide to use the word swizzle in this way?
It seems swizzle as a verb has a historical definition in the context of alcoholic beverages, meaning to "stir (a drink) with a swizzle stick." (Google’s English dictionary, Oxford Languages) A swizzle stick being an apparent common term for an instrument used to stir cocktails.
Perhaps the originator of the term in the CS context enjoyed drinking rum swizzles or had a background in mixology?