Suppose we have a tree data structure with root $r$ with two operations:
Add($x, y$) - adds the node $y$ as a child to the node $x$
Zip($x$)- this makes the node $x$ and all of $x$'s ancenstors direct children of the root. So if we had a tree like $r \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 3 \rightarrow 4$ then Zip($3$) would make a new tree with root $r$ and children $1, 2, 3$ and $4$ as a child of $3$.
Say Add has cost $1$ and Zip($x$) has cost = length of path from root to $x$
We want to see that the amortized cost of a sequence of Adds and Zips is $\leq 2$ per operation. We want to use the banker's/accountant method to do this.
I'm a bit lost here and would appreciate the help.