
I would like your opinion on how to detect the T(n) (Running Time) for the following recursive algorithm.

enter image description here

Charm is an algorithm for discovering frequent closed itemsets in a transaction database. A list of frequent closed itemsets are frequent items that appear several times in a set of transactions (tids) (e.g. bread and milk are items often purchased together), they are obtained by cycling the current element with index i with n- 1 successive elements in the inner for whose index will always be j = i + 1. The algorithm is based on 3 properties and depending on the case there can be a replace on the set of the array of items P and any new set of objects generated Pi, all this depends on the transactions (tids), some examples of the properties are the following:

  • I have an array of items -> A with 1345 transactions, an item D with tids 1356, F - 1345, E - 12345
  • Comparison A with the next elements sorted by support (number of tids present for A is 4, for E it is 5 etc.)
  • I compare A with D and I fall back into property 3 since the tids of A are not the same as those of B (Property 1), nor are they contained (Property 2); then add in Pi AD - 135
  • Comparison A with F, they have the same tids (Properties 1), I replace A with AF - 1345 in P by removing the old A, in Pi we cycle by performing the replace also on Pi
  • I compare AF (as it has been replaced) with E and I fall into Property 2 where the tids 1345 are a subset of those of E -12345; I replace AF with EFE - 1345 in P and I replace also in Pi

Run the inner loop if the set Pi is not empty I recursively execute CHARM on the objects generated in Property 3 otherwise I add the generated Xi's and filtered by minsup (minimum support. For example if I set it equal to 3 I reject the elements that do not reach 3 tids, e.g. a hypothetical H - 1 6 is discarded) in the set C (Frequent closed itemset) if this element is not a subset of one of those present. Here is a practical example with initial dataset and resolution: enter image description here

enter image description here

It can be seen that the Xi DEB has tids 135 and would not be added in C as a subset of ADEB which has the same tids. To see the resolution graphically, just see the following video of a few minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTj53ctgFFk. From my analysis the complexity should depend on the average length of the tids l and on the set Pi passed in recursion but I'm not sure, how is the following recursive algorithm solved to get the running time?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Honestly, this case is too complicated for this site. Maybe you could give us your insights about the non-recursive parts. $\endgroup$
    – user16034
    Commented Mar 25, 2022 at 12:47


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