Let the pumping length $p=6$.
Let $s=a^ib^jc^k\in L$, $|s|\ge p$.
There are three cases.
$i=\max(i,j,k)$. We will pump a part of $a^i$.
$3i\gt i+j+k=|s|\ge p=6$. So $i\ge3$.
Among three nonnegative numbers $i-1$, $i-2$ and $i-3$, there is one number that is neither $j$ nor $k$.
Suppose it is $i-d$ for some $d\in\{1,2,3\}$.
$s=a^{i-d}a^db^jc^k=uvwxy$, where $u=a^{i-d}$, $v=a^d$, $w=x=\epsilon$, $y=b^jc^k$.
- $|v|=d\ge1$, $|vwx|=|v|=d\le3\lt p$.
- $uv^0wx^0y = a^{i-d}b^jc^k\in L$. $\quad$(Pumping down is fine.)
- $uv^nwx^ny = a^{i+(n-1)d}b^jc^k\in L$ for $n\gt1$, since $i+(n-1)d\gt i$. $\quad$(Pumping up is fine.)
$j=\max(i,j,k)$. We can pump a part of $b^j$ just as the case above.
$k=\max(i,j,k)$. We can pump a part of $c^k$ just as the cases above.
Hence $L$ satisfies the pumping lemma for context-free language with pumping length $p=6$.
Exercise. (easy) Show that the pumping lemma for CFLs is not powerful enough to prove $\{ a^i b^j c^kd^l \mid i,j,k,l\text{ are pairwise distinct} \}$ is not context-free.