I’m looking for a distribution that is non-negative, or has good tail bounds (so non-negative with high probability) and maximizes the ratio between the expected maximum of $n$ iid samples and the mean.
That is, if $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are iid samples from the distribution, $Y = \max(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$, and $X$ is another sample, then I want to maximize $$\frac{E[Y]}{E[X]}.$$
For instance, for a normal distribution $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$, $E[Y]$ is $\Theta(\sigma\sqrt{\log n})$, however for the samples to be non-negative with high probability, because of the tail bound on normal distribution, $\mu$ should grow faster than $\sigma$, so $\frac{E[Y]}{ E[X]}$ will be bounded by $O(\sqrt{\log n})$.
On the other hand, if I’m not mistaken, we can have $\frac{E[Y]}{ E[X]} = \Theta(\frac{\log n}{\log\log n})$ through binomials, a balls and bins problem setting. However I’m not sure if this is the largest that $\frac{E[Y]}{ E[X]}$ can be.