I am studying the Master Theorem, but there is a case in which I have no knowledge on how one should proceed. If it's given:
$T_1(n)= 1$ if n=1
$T_1(n)= 4T_1(\frac n2) + \sqrt{3n}+1$ otherwise.
For this case $T_1(n) \in \Theta(n^2)$
We then have:
$T_2(n)= 1$ if n=1
$T_2(n)= 14T_2(\frac n4)+ T_1(n)=14T_2(\frac n4)+4T_1(\frac n2) + \sqrt{3n}+1$ otherwise.
If I'd like to define a,b,c how do I proceed?
Is the number of nodes in a layer for the recurrence tree 18 ?
I am unfamiliar with how one proceeds in this case.