While I understand the process of considering/observing an algorithm and finding an average time, necessary to perform an operation that happens in this algorithm, I still cannot quite gasp the idea, or rather the expression:
"The Algorithm has an amortized time complexity which is cost./linear etc".
What to understand when someone says the above expression?
One further question: Are the operations considered of the same type? What I mean by that, I'll try to showcase it with an example:
If we use pushback(), to input an element in an dynamic array, the operation here, is the input of an element. Sometimes the operation is cheap (in terms of the amount of times it requires to be executed) and sometimes is expensive. But there is only one type of operation here, the pushback operation. So can we talk about the amortized time of an algorithm, in other words can we talk about the average time for an operation, when different types of operations are taking place in the algorithm?
Sorry for the lack in my vocabulary. CS is not my major or main degree!