I am a newbie to the world of algorithms design and currently working on a algorithm which is related to cell-phone user associating with cell-phone tower. Let $\mathcal{K} = \{1,\dots,K\}$ be set of cell-phone users and $\mathcal{J} = \{1,\dots,J\}$ be set of cell-phone towers. Let $k$ and $j$ be index of cell-phone users and cell-phone towers respectively.
One of the step of this algorithm is to start with a random feasible initial activation vector $\beta$, where each element of $\beta$ is index of cell-phone tower to whom cell-phone user $k$ is associated.
I completely understood that length of vector $\beta$ will be $K$ and it will contain the various values of $j$.
But, my query is how should I initialize the vector $\beta$ in any software say MATLAB if we consider for e.g., $K = 20$ and $J =3$.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.