It is easy to use straightforward induction to prove the following two claims.
Claim One: $s_n$ starts with $s_k$ for $2\le k\le n$. In particular, $s_n$ starts with $ab$ for $n\ge3$.
Claim Two: $s_k$ ends with either $ab$ when $k$ is odd or $ba$ when $k$ is even for $k\ge3$.
Claim Three: $s_ks_{k-1}$ and $s_{k-1}s_k$ are the same except the last two letters, which are either $ab$ or $ba$ for $k\ge2$.
Proof: For $k=2$, $s_2s_1=ab$ and $s_1s_2=ba$ are the same except the last two letters, which are either $ab$ or $ba$.
Suppose $k\ge3$.
Thanks to induction hypothesis that says $s_{k-2}s_{k-1}$ and $s_{k-1}s_{k-2}$ are the same except the last two letters, which are either $ab$ and $ba$, so are $s_ks_{k-1}$ and $s_{k-1}s_k$.
Claim Four: Let $f$ be the failure function of $s_n$, $n\ge3$. Then $f(1)=f(2)=0$ and for $2\lt|s_k|-1\le j\le \min(|s_n|, |s_{k+1}|-2)$, we have $f(j)=j-|s_{k-1}|$.
Note that Claim Four is Exercise 3.4.9 stated in a slightly different way.
Proof: WLOG, suppose $n$ is large enough, thanks to Claim One.
$f(1)=0$ by definition.
Since $s_n$ starts with $ab$, $f(2)=0$.
Let $w[i]$ mean the $i$-th letter of string $w$, i.e., $w$ is the sequence $w[1]$, $w[2]$, $\cdots$, $w[\text{length of }w]$.
Let $1\le x\le |s_{k+1}|-|s_{k-1}|=|s_{k-1}| + |s_{k-2}|$.
Since $s_n = s_k\cdots =s_{k-1}s_{k-2}\cdots$, we have $s_n[x] = (s_{k-1}s_{k-2})[x]$.
Since $s_n= s_{k+1}\cdots = s_ks_{k-1}\cdots=(s_{k-1}s_{k-2})s_{k-1}\cdots=s_{k-1}(s_{k-2}s_{k-1})\cdots$, we have $s_n[|s_{k-1}|+x]=(s_{k-2}s_{k-1})[x]$.
Thanks to Claim Three, we have $s_n[x] = s_n[|s_{k-1}|+x]$ if $x\le|s_{k-1}| + |s_{k-2}|-2$, which implies $f(j)\ge j-|s_{k-1}|$ for $|s_k|-1\le j\le |s_{k+1}|-2$.
Now we can apply the standard algorithm that builds this failure function $f$ of KMP algorithm, where the base cases are easy and the length of match $f(j)$ always increases by $1$ when $j$ increases by $1$, unless at the time when $j$ increases to $|s_{k+1}|-1$ for some $k$, as shown above.
At that time when $j$ increases to $|s_{k+1}|-1$, $f(\cdot)$ does not increase by $1$ since
&= s_n[(j-|s_{k-1}|)+ |s_{k-1}|]\\
where the inequality comes from Claim Two as $j-|s_{k-1}|=|s_{k-2}s_{k-1}|-1$.
Hence, by the nature of the failing function, the most $f(j)$ could be is $f(f(j-1))+1$. Thanks to the induction hypothesis,
$$f(f(j-1))+1=f(|s_k|-2|)+1= |s_{k-1}|-1=j-|s_k|.$$ Since $|s_{k+1}|-1\le j\le |s_{k+2}|-2$, we have proved above that $f(j)\ge j-|s_k|$.
Hence $f(j)=|s_{k-1}|-1=j-|s_{k}|$ as wanted. $\quad\checkmark$.