In the comparison sort model of sorting, the fastest possible algorithm is order $n \log(n)$, where $n$ is the number of input numbers. What is the time complexity of sorting a list of natural numbers, each represented as a string of ones and zeros, and separated by commas? For example, the input $11,1,10$ would be sorted as $1,10,11$.
Here is a more precise definition of the function.
Consider the following function:
$f:S\to S$
where $S$ is the set of all finite strings over the alphabet containing three symbols, $0$, $1$ and 'comma', where $f$ is defined by interpreting each substring starting and ending in a comma as an integer. If such a substring starts with some zeros, ignore them. Then $f$ sorts these integers and returns a new string formed by representing each integer in the sorted list as a binary string and inserting commas between them. To further clarify the definition of $f$, here is a Python script which defines $f$.
def f(s):
# if the input is not a string over the alphabet "01," then return an empty output
if type(s) != str or False in [t in ['0','1',','] for t in s]: return ''
# convert the string to a list of integers and sort it
L = sorted([int(t,2) for t in s.split(',')])
# convert back to a bit string separated by commas and return this
return ','.join([f"{l:>b}" for l in L])
# this outputs:
# 1,10,111,1111
Let $n$ denote the length of the input string, that is, the number of ones, zeros, and commas. I'd like to know the big omega time complexity of this function $f$ in terms of $n$. Please note that I do not mean to ask what the time complexity of the particular implementation of the function I defined above is, but rather the time complexity of the best possible implementation.