
In order to show that the next problem is NP-hard:

Problem: Vertex Cover and Independent Set

Input: Graph G and integer k

Output: Does G have a vertex cover of k and an independent set of k?

The sets does not have to be complementary (just about size k). I have tried to reduce Vertex Cover but I cannot find how to ensure that when there is a vertex cover in G, the problem above outputs true and deal with the independent set of the same size k. I have thought of doing something with the fact that vertex cover is the complement of independent set but since there is the same value for k I have no idea for that.


1 Answer 1


If you want a reduction from Vertex Cover: given $(G, k)$ an input of VC, create a graph $G'$ with a copy of $G$ and an additionnal $k$ vertices with no additionnal edge.

Then $G'$ has a vertex cover and an independant set of size $k$ if and only if $G$ has a vertex cover of size $k$.


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