Consider the following integer linear program (where $A$ is an integer matrix, $b$ an integer vector, and $c$ a positive integer vector): $$ \text{minimize}~~~ c\cdot x \\ \text{subject to}~~~ A\cdot x \geq b, ~~~ x\geq 0, ~~~ x~\text{is an integer vector.} $$ Denote its optimal value by $OPT(A,b,c)$. Computing $OPT(A,b,c)$ is NP-hard in general. We are interested in computing an upper bound on $OPT(A,b,c)$, that is, a number $M = MAX(A,b,c)$ such that $OPT(A,b,c) \leq M$, and the size of $M$ (in bits) is polynomial in the size of $A,b,c$.
Is there an algorithm that, given $A,b,c$, computes such an upper bound $MAX(A,b,c)$ in time polynomial in the size of $A,b,c$?