As far as anyone can tell, no, analog computers are not more powerful than Turing machines. In practice, they run into problems with errors accumulating rapidly.
It's also worth pointing out that specifying how to provide information as an input, and how to read it from the output is not entirely trivial. For instance, if I gave you an irrational number, how would you encode it as a stick of that length, or a bucket of water of that volume? It's basically not possible. If the output is a stick of some length, or a jug of water of some volume, how would you measure its length or volume to sufficient precision to distinguish between rational vs irrational numbers? You can't. You can only measure to finite accuracy, and the time it takes to measure is (at least) proportional to the number of digits of precision needed (and probably much more).
So it is widely believed that there is no free lunch here.
See also the extended Church-Turing hypothesis, which proposes that no realizable computation method is faster (by more than polynomially) than a Turing machine. See especially