Consider a graph $ G = (V, E) $ where a vertex $ v \in V $ is designated as the center if it is connected to every other vertex $ u \in V $, such that both $ uv $ and $ vu $ are present in $ E $. A graph is deemed 'good' if it has a single center, and all other vertices have equal in-degrees and out-degrees of 2.
Given a directed graph $ G = (V, E) $, my objective is to transform it into a 'good' graph by making the fewest possible modifications. Each modification can either be the deletion or addition of a directed edge. If the time complexity to find a maximum matching in a bipartite graph is $ T(n) $, I aim to devise an algorithm with a time complexity of $ O(nT(n)) $ that determines the minimum number of changes needed to convert $ G $ into a 'good' graph.
I think I kinda should connect minimum modifications needed to maximum mathcing somehow and use it $n$ times. But I'm really stuck on finding such a realtion. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance with this problem.