Summary of the problem: Given an alternating time turing machine ($M$), a polynomial $p(.)$ and a string ($w$), is it EXPhard to find if $M$ accepts $w$ using not more than $p(|M|+|w|)$ space?
My work: I have a problem I would like to prove is EXPTIME hard. I have a couple of reductions to do so. One is reduction from combinatorial EXP complete games but is hard to read.
The other is a reduction from alternate poly space Turing machine. But instead of taking as input a turing machine ($M$) and a string ($w$) to check for acceptance, it takes as input a turing machine ($M$), a string ($w$) and a polynomial $p(.)$ which gives the amount of space the turing machine is allowed to use. Is this reasonable to do?
Possible solution: Ideally I would like to write a reduction from an exphard problem to alternate turing machine with a polynomial and string. to prove that this problem is hard as well.