Let a non-trivial $C \subseteq RE$
Prove $\Sigma ^* \notin C \implies L_c \notin RE$
$L_c$ satsifies $L_c=\{\langle M \rangle|L(M) \in C \}$
First of all, I searched this site for over an hour looking for an already written answer so I am sorry if this is a repeat.
I've been trying for a long time to make this work but something is stuck. My main idea was finding a reduction mapping from some non recursively enumerable language which will allow me to deduce that $L_c$ isn't recursively enumerable.
Since $C$ is non-trivial I have some language $A \in C$ with a turing machine $M_A$ s.t $L(M_A)=A$ (since $A \subseteq RE$).
Now i can define a mapping function $f$ from $HALT^c$ to $L_c$ s.t given $<M,x>$ we return $<M_x^A>$.
$M_x^A$ on some input $w$ behaves:
- Run $M$ on $x$
- Simultaneously run $M_A$ on $w$
- If $M$ stops then accept
- Else, accept $\iff$ $M_L$ accepts
This would work except in the case where $<M,x> \in HALT^c$ since my machine would never stop running and will never accept $w$ even though I wish it to.
How can i fix this?